Empowering Immigrant Communities Across Kansas

Quick Overview

KIC is a statewide initiative, and while not all of our members can be physically present at every event, the efforts of those working behind the scenes, whether in spirit, as state representatives, or as volunteers, are always recognized and deeply appreciated.

We’re better together, and it’s the collaboration with organizations, volunteers, and allies across the state that will truly create meaningful change. We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you!

In Kansas, we believe that every immigrant’s story is a thread that strengthens the fabric of our communities.
— Kansas Immigration Coalition

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Kansas stands tall when we lift up the voices and contributions of immigrants in our communities.
— Kansas Immigration Coalition

Contact Us

Is your organization interested in partnering with us? Are you interested in Red Card distribution, participating in Know Your Rights Workshops, writing testimony, or supporting our work? Schedule a time to chat with one of our Communications/Advocacy Committee members. Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!